Contacting us

Secure contact form for incorporation of Swiss companies
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Welcome to our secure server. Everything you submit will be encrypted before it is transmitted over the internet.

If you want to create a Swiss domiciled company, a holding company or an offshore company, please fill the form below. Use this form if you want to start a business and live in Switzerland,  You can also contact us by phone, fax or mail or arrange an appointment. If you experience problems with this form, you can still send us a normal email at .

We ask the most basic information that we need to assess your chances of getting a residential permit in Switzerland. Fields with a red label are mandatory. Needless to say, we keep everything we receive totally confidential.


A. Personal information

-1. Full name
-2. Citizenship

-3. Country of residence

-4. Email address
-5. Occupation
-6. Phone number
-7. Fax number
-8. Your  address

Please include a valid email address or phone or fax numbers. If you don't have any of those, give us your mailing address. We answer emails in priority, usually within 24 hours.

B. Information about the company you want to create

-1. What type of business will operate the Swiss company?
-2. What is the citizenship of the future stockholders of the company?
-3. How much profit to except to make during the first year?

(Why do we ask this ? Because we want to make sure that the business will be sufficient to warrant a Swiss structure)

C. Complementary information

-1. Where did you learn about our services ?

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We normally answer inquiries within one business day. Please keep in mind that Swiss companies are not like offshore companies from fancy Carribean locations that you can purchase over the phone. If we don't understand what is going on, we just don't do it.

Switzerland is yours  |  Swiss companies